Air Bandits is a nice shooter game in which you control a plane and must destroy your enemies. Every level has a specific target that must be eliminated along with others that are marked in the map with red dots. You also must eliminate their supplies and all types of targets to get more points. There are also zeppelins that, when you make them explode, provide power-ups like ammo, bombs, health, and other useful items.
Regarding the controls, the plane is not very easy to manipulate since you move it with your mouse and it can give 360 spins. You shot with the left mouse button and drop torpedoes with the right one. You can also regulate the speed with the mouse wheel.
Regarding the graphics, they are pretty good and detailed. The scenarios don't change much with the levels, but at least they are well-done and attractive. Sound effects are good, but the music is a bit repetitive.
Unfortunately, there´s only one mode and only one difficulty level. Besides, it doesn't provide trophies or bonuses for special tasks.
In short, Air Bandits is just another shooter which has very good graphics and increasingly challenging levels, but there´s nothing new to impress more advanced players.